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Friday 2 August 2013

Musee de Louvre

Well hello and Ramadhan mubarak to all readers,

Today, we haven't been to any of the outlets or mall yet. It's been a very tiring day for all of us. We arrived in Paris on 2nd August 2013, 6.15am. 
From the airport, we take the airport transfer to our hotel at only €75 (+- RM322). The hotel we stayed in is an apartment hotel with a kitchen (so mama can cook for us... lalalalaa ^_^). this hotel in only €181/night (+-RM778) exclusive 7% tax and €1,50/person. We can only check in at 3pm therefore we left all our luggage there to start exploring the Paris city right away ^_^.
Do I look like a tourist? Haha.. 

The hotel are not in the city centre because we wanna stay near Disneyland.. I LOVE DISNEYLAND! From the hotel, we took RER Gar (train) to Paris.
One way trip is €6.55 (+-RM28) per person. 
It's summer around 25 degrees. I think this is the first time I am travelling during summer. Usually we love to travel in spring or winter because we wanna experience the temperature different from Malaysia. ^_^ 
Well, here we are in Musee de Lourve where the art in preserved and cheerish. The most famous art here is the Mona Lisa painting painted by Leornado Da vinci. Apart from that another famous painter like Michael Angelo is also there. 
The ticket for the museum is just €12 (+-RM51) each. The best thing is that if you are below 18 years old, there's no need to buy ticket. It's FREE!! 
Can you see Mona Lisa??? Most of the painting here represent chritianity and Greek's era. Most of the statue are naked. LOL! But alhamdulillah on 18th September 2012, Islamic Art section is opened in this museum. 
Can you read -arabic caligraphy?

A little advice, bring your own mineral water or buy before entering the museum. Mineral water cost €3 (+-RM12) in this musee but only €1 (+-RM4) outside. 

I think I'll stop for now. I'll post pictures of Paris in my next post. 

Hope you enjoy travelling with me ^_^ 

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